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《Dietary Chinese Herbs》

时间:2021-06-03 来源:304am永利集团  点击:[]

作者Yanze Liu · Zhimin Wang

Junzeng Zhang Editors魏华参编出版社springer



This work presents up-to-date information on chemical, pharmacological, clinical studies and historical use of common dietary Chinese herbs. A brief chronological review of Chinese literatures on dietary herb uses, with chapters dedicated to each selected dietary herb, Latin name indices, chemical components, pharmacological targets and diseases is provided. Examined are the health benefits that have been studied for centuries. A wide range of TCM herbs are investigated for their suitability into daily diets for maintaining general wellness or disease prevention. In the past decade, nutraceuticals have emerged in the West due to the increasing demand for non-pharmaceutical healthcare products. Natural materials could be sources for developing new, effective, and safe ingredients to capture the rapidly expanding opportunity in the global market place. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) disease prevention and treatment incorporates the use of foods, and herbal medicine in an integrated manner.
